How HVAC Positively Affects Pets

How HVAC Positively Affects Pets

Did you know that around 68% of U.S. households (or about 85 million families) own a pet? Slightly more U.S. households have air conditioning, around 87%. Some of those households overlap, and some don’t. For those who have pets AND air conditioning — congrats, you’re doing your furry friends a service whether you know it or not. For those who have pets and are considering an HVAC or air conditioning installation, there’s good news. Much like how heating and air conditioning have positive health benefits for people, pets in your home can get a plethora of benefits from home HVAC service.

Making Air Cleaner

Animals can get respiratory irritation from particles in the air, too. Dander, wood chip particles, litter box dust… not only do these common irritants bother you when they linger in your home, they can bother your pets. Think about how much lower they are to the ground than you, how much more sensitive their noses. When they’re sniffing around down on the floor, having a functioning HVAC system can help cut down on the irritants they’re dredging up. Some animals even have allergies. Yes, really, dogs can have seasonal allergies. If you and your vet suspect that your critter may have environmental or seasonal allergies, you may want to call your local HVAC contractors for a quote.

Preventing Discomfort While You’re Away

Having proper heating and cooling in your home means you have peace of mind that your pets are comfortable even when you’re away. Whether gone to work for the day or heading to the beach for a long weekend, unpredictable extreme weather can happen, and suddenly your furry friends are stuck in uncomfortable and even dangerous temperatures. If your pet starts to have a heat stroke or go into hypothermia and you’re not there to catch the warning signs, the worst could happen to them. Animals with special needs like diabetes, arthritis, or hormonal imbalances are especially susceptible. If your unit has a dehumidifying function, that’s especially great for dogs in hot weather: they get rid of heat by evaporating dampness on their tongues and paw pads. A dehumidifier helps them keep cool and comfortable.

Even if you’re not worried about yourself or other household members during extreme weather, pets big and small are heavily affected. Consider heating and cooling methods to keep them healthy and happy all year round.

By |2021-05-08T18:54:43+00:00August 24th, 2018|Home Indoor Air Quality|Comments Off on How HVAC Positively Affects Pets
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