How Ductless Air Conditioning Can Save Cost in Long Beach, CA Home

How Ductless Air Conditioning Can Save Cost in Long Beach, CA Home

The split central air conditioning system is among the most popular of all whole-house cooling systems used in Long Beach, CA. The central AC and its method of distributing conditioned air all through an entire house through a centralized system of air ducts is surely a chief development if you compare it to the loud, inefficient window units. However, you can always check out the other options and call up a ductless installation service provider.

The ductless air conditioning systems have become increasingly popular in the residential sector too.

Do away with Duct Leaks Entirely

There are no ways to make any air duct completely impermeable to the threat of potential leaks. The only thing you can do is eliminate the need for air ducts altogether.

Ductless mini splits and central AC share a lot in common as in the use of refrigerant in the cooling cycle, the outdoor unit, and so on. However, the one thing they don’t share is air ducts. The refrigerant lines go directly to wall-mounted blowers with a ductless unit. It basically acts as independent air handlers for the spaces in which they are installed. You can save energy by entirely avoiding duct leaks.

The Advantage of Zone Control

Ducted forced air cooling systems can integrate zone control into their design. However, when you get a ductless mini-split, the zone control is part and parcel of the package. All you need to do is adjust the temperature at the right thermostat. Every blower has its own thermostat and that blower will respond accordingly. In areas that you don’t want to condition entirely, you can even shut off the blowers.

It allows you to save energy when cooling your home and also permits you to live a more comfy life.

Efficient Heating

You need not exclude heating from the discussion while talking about ductless air conditioning. Even as designated ductless AC systems are available, most homeowners pick the heat pump models as they double as heating systems in the winter.

Ductless mini splits won’t generate new heat to warm your home with unlike traditional air-source heat pumps. They transfer heat from the air outside into your home.  You can enjoy great comfort and year-round efficiency.

Call HVAC PROS for Ductless Installation Long Beach 

If you reside in Long Beach, you can call up HVAC PROS for ductless installation. We offer excellent Ductless Installation Long Beach services at a very competitive pricing. We can also help you in repairing your air conditioners and provide long-lasting solutions. Call us at (310) 504-3088 today.

By |2023-05-25T17:06:47+00:00September 7th, 2018|Ductless Mini Splits|Comments Off on How Ductless Air Conditioning Can Save Cost in Long Beach, CA Home
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